Massage in general has a fantastic range of health benefits, however holistic massage in particular is capable of creating a significant improvement in your whole body because of its all-encompassing approach.
Holistic massage also gives you some tools in managing and maintaining the state of your own health, such as the correct nutrition, and helping you to find which environment you function best in (stress management and so forth). If these tools are used appropriately, you can extend the benefits of your actual massage for a longer period of time, making holistic massage perfect as not only a treatment tool but also a preventative tool.
Think of holistic massage as a way of reaching your optimum health potential.
The massage will lasts about one hour and the whole body is worked upon. While a whole body is massaged, sometimes a focus area will be agreed upon between the client and I as part of the treatment set (if a specific area of your body is causing you concern and problems for example). Where tension is found deep tissue massage strokes will/can be performed to achieve the acquired results.
The first session will take slightly longer because of the detailed history taken beforehand. After the massage, the therapist may advise you on other things that you can do to help maintain your body’s natural balance.
This could be through things such as yoga, nutritional changes, a change in your environment, and so on. Often, the practitioner will give you some gentle stretching to do, or some gentle exercises that you can perform, as well as tips for improving or maintaining the treatment given by the practitioner. When receiving information you have some control and take responsibility for improving the state of your health.
Treatment Costs
Sports, Holistic, Aromatherapy, Hot Stones
1 hour: £95 / 1.5 hours: £140 / 2 hours: £190
Couples Back to Back Sports, Holistic, Aromatherapy, Hot Stones
2 x 1 hour: £190 / 2 x 1.5 hours: £280
Sports Massage with Cupping
1 hour: £95 / 1.5 hours: £140 / 2 hours: £190
Treatments include all travel costs and time to your location.